ADURO is updating its definition of healthy as of January 1, 2019.

Please view the Healthy Biometric Ranges Update for more information.


Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure



Blood Glucose

Blood Glucose

Waist Circumference

Waist Circumference




The on-site biometric screening is a complimentary benefit provided by your employer and shouldn't take more than 15 minutes from your day. You will work with one Screener to have all your tests completed. Results will be entered into an iPad in real time to be uploaded directly to your wellness site, and a hardcopy scorecard will be filled out with your results so you have something to take with you from the event. No scores are ever said out loud and your privacy is our top concern.

After the testing is complete you'll immediately have the opportunity of speaking with a Program Concierge to review your results. This private, one-on-one session is a chance to look at your current health, ask any questions you may have, and learn about challenges and Coaching Programs offered within your program you may find beneficial.

Once you have completed an onsite event, your results will be immediately loaded into your profile. You can find them under the 'My Results' tab 15 minutes after your screening is complete.

Blood PressureBlood Pressure

Screens for Hypertension

Blood pressure measures the force of blood exerted against the walls of the arteries as it is pumped through the body. When the heart beats faster or harder than normal, when there is an increase in blood volume (such as in pregnancy for example), or when arteries are narrowed, this force increases and blood pressure rises. Blood pressure is reported as two numbers: systolic (when the heart contracts) over diastolic (when the heart is relaxed).


Drink water! Staying hydrated is so important for healthy blood pressure. Also, watch the amount of packaged, processed foods you eat - crackers, chips, granola bars, candy, cereals and even sauces and dressings have incredibly high levels of sodium, sugar and unhealthy fats. While those ingredients allow them to sit on a shelf for years without spoiling, they aren't great for you. Sprinkling salt on your home cooked dinner is not where people run into issues with sodium – it is the high sodium levels of processed foods, especially with low-fat and non-fat options. Think about it this way – if the fat is removed from something, flavor has to be added back in somehow, most of the time food manufacturers do this by increasing the sodium levels in their food.

  Healthy Elevated Stage I Hypertension Stage II Hypertension
Systolic Under 120 120-129 130-139 Over 139
Diastolic Under 80 Under 80 80-89 Over 89


Screens for Cardiovascular Dysfunction

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is necessary for multiple functions within the body, but having numbers out of range is linked with cardiovascular disease, heart attack and risk of stroke.

LDL: This type of cholesterol is often referred to as the “bad” type of cholesterol. It has gotten this reputation because it likes to congregate around the heart and build up when left unattended, creating blockages within the arteries.

HDL: While LDL are often referred to as “bad”, HDL are in turn the “good guys”. They are so called because of their ability to grab the LDLs and take them back through the liver to be processed and eliminated.

Triglycerides (TG): Consider TGs teenage LDLs – they aren’t yet causing any harm, but if there aren’t enough HDLs in the body to monitor them, the TGs eventually grow up to be LDLs and can wreak havoc.


Rather than looking at your cholesterol numbers individually, it is more important to look at the whole picture to see how your health is being affected. One way to do this is through cholesterol ratios.

There are two cholesterol ratios to consider:

  • Total Cholesterol:HDL
    Of all the cholesterol in your body, how much "good stuff" is there? HDLs are protective because they help clear out excess, dangerous cholesterol and keep the ‘teenage’ TGs at bay so the more you have, the better. Because of this, TC:HDL ratio is a better indicator of cardiovascular disease than just TC alone. A ratio of 3.5 or lower is optimal for cardiovascular protection.
    Again, are there enough good guys to keep the bad guys under control, or have the LDLs and TGs begun to take over? Ideally this ratio should be no more than 2.6 so that the HDLs can continue to do their job effectively.


While incorporating healthy fats rich in omega-3s, and increasing your fruit and vegetable intake is key in improving cholesterol levels, increasing your physical activity can play an even bigger role. Getting active not only decreases the levels of LDL within the body, it works double time by also increasing the number of HDL!


  Desireable/Healthy Mild to Moderate Risk High Health Risk
TC Under 200 200-239 240 or Over
HDL 60 or Over
60 or Over
Under 50
Under 40
TG Under 150 150-199 200or Over
LDL Under 130 130-159 160 or Over

  Protective Low Risk High Risk
TC:HDL Under 4.0
Under 4.5
Over 4.5
Over 5.0
LDL:HDL Under 2.5
Under 3.0
Over 3.0
Over 3.5

Blood GlucoseBlood Glucose

Screens for Diabetes

When there's too much sugar in the diet or your body isn't efficient at clearing it and using it for fuel, blood glucose levels can rise and lead to insulin resistance and Type II Diabetes. Testing blood glucose levels (or, how much sugar is in the blood) helps screen for diabetes. Type I Diabetes is usually inherited or genetic, but Type II Diabetes is almost always a result of poor diet and lifestyle habits.


The current diet of the average American consists of large amounts of packaged convenience food items. Unfortunately, they are almost always filled with these metabolism-bombs:

  • Trans fat
  • Unhealthy oils (hydrogenated oils for example)
  • Sugar
  • Salt

The goal with blood sugar is to make sure it gets absorbed and utilized slowly so there aren’t any unnecessary spikes or dips. You can do this by replacing highly processed foods with whole foods options by aiming to fill at least half your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal, sourcing your carbohydrates from vegetables rather than grains, and incorporating healthy fats, which will also aid in satiety.

Physical activity will help to lower blood glucose levels by increasing insulin sensitivity and also by stimulating mechanisms within the body that trigger the cells to take up glucose and use it for energy.

  Healthy Moderate Risk High Risk
Fasting 70-99 100-125 Over 125
Non-Fasting 70-125 126-199 200 or Over

Waist CircumferenceWaist Circumference

Key Health Risk Indicator

Abdominal fat has been shown to be more stressful on the heart than fat located on other areas of the body, such as the hips, thighs, or arms. This type of fat is able to stimulate hormone production and inflammatory agents within the body. For this reason, WHtR is measured to not only assess weight health, but also cardiovascular health.

Healthy Under 35"
Under 40"


Approximates Body Makeup

Calculated from your height and weight, BMI is a fairly reliable indicator of body fat and can help assess risk for chronic disease. While age, sex, body type and race all play a part in fully determining health risk, they are not used to calculate BMI and thus this metric is best used as a guide when considered aside other metrics.


Get moving! Changing your body composition requires physical activity. Make sure you're getting at least 30 minutes of cardio each day and are incorporating strength training into your workouts. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so by building muscle with strength training you'll help keep your metabolism burning high for hours after each workout.

Of course, diet and nutrition are also important. Aim to have at least one serving of a fruit or vegetable with each meal and snack, totaling 5 each day. Choose lean meats and healthy fats. The abundant fiber in fruits and vegetables will take up way more space in your stomach than more heavily processed foods, helping to fill you up faster. The surge of vitamins and powerful antioxidants from these fruits and veggies doesn’t hurt either, and the protein and healthy fats will help satiate you so you stay fuller longer.

Underweight Healthy Overweight Obese
Under 18.5 18.5-24.9 25-29.9 30 and Over